On-Campus Networking Career Fairs
The OCPD invites attorneys from firms, government agencies, public interest organizations, the judiciary, and corporations to speak with students about their legal careers as part of informational career fairs.
During the events, students have the opportunity to ask the attorneys questions about their career choices, areas of practice, and the life of a practicing attorney. As a result, students get a feel for what it is like to practice law in different practice areas and with different types of employers.
East Coast Job Fairs
- The Boston Lawyers Group Annual Diversity Job Fair: Open to rising 2L students. The Job Fair provides participating member organizations with the opportunity to select and interview applicants from a nationwide pool of qualified students of color.
- Delaware Minority Job Fair/ Philadelphia Area Diversity Job Fair: Open to rising 2L and 3L students. The purpose of this job fair is to increase diversity in the Delaware bar.
- Equal Justice Works Career Fair: Open to 2L and 3L students. The largest national public interest legal career fair, bringing together more than 200 public interest employers with more than 1,400 law students from over 150 law schools.
- Lavender Law Career Fair: Open to rising 2L and 3L students. This career fair is designed to achieve a sense of community and inclusion for LGBTQ+ candidates within the legal profession’s recruiting efforts.
- NYU International Student Interview Program: Open to foreign-trained attorneys enrolled in LL.M. programs in the United States. This career fair is an annual consortium event sponsored by 33 law schools nationwide to facilitate the hiring of highly qualified foreign-trained lawyers enrolled in LL.M. programs at each school for internship and permanent positions in the United States and abroad.
- Southeastern Intellectual Property Job Fair (SIPJF): Open to rising 2L and 3L students and recent graduates. This is the premier intellectual property law (IP) recruiting event providing an opportunity to meet potential employers for students and recent graduates interested in practicing IP law.
- Southeastern Law School Consortium (SELSC): Open to rising 2L and 3L students and recent graduates. This legal interview program is one of the oldest and largest events of its kind in the country bringing together employers from all over the country and diverse students from more than 50 law schools in the southeastern United States.
Midwest Job Fairs
- Heartland Diversity Legal Job Fair: Open to 2L and 3L students and recent graduates. Designed to expose diverse law students to traditional and non-traditional legal employers in the Kansas City legal market.
- Indianapolis Bar Association Diversity Job Fair: Open to 2L and 3L students. This job fair seeks students who represent all aspects of diversity and are looking for a one-of-a-kind legal community in a Midwestern city.
- Minnesota Minority Recruitment Conference: Open to rising 2L and 3L students. The Minnesota Minority Recruitment Conference is an annual event that connects the largest legal employers, including small, medium and large firms; corporate law departments; and public interest, nonprofit and government entities in the Minneapolis and St. Paul metro areas with diverse rising 2L and 3L candidates from around the country interested in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area.
- Patent Law Job Fair: Open to rising 2Ls and 3Ls. Most participating employers require that students be eligible for, or have passed, the patent bar examination.
- St. Louis Diversity Job Fair: Open to rising 2L and 3L students. The primary goal of this job fair is to attract a diverse group of students to the metropolitan St. Louis legal community, encourage them to practice law in the area, and become an integral part of the community.
West Coast Job Fairs
- Bay Area Diversity Career Fair: Open to rising 2L students. This career fair showcases prominent law firms and government legal departments in the San Francisco Bay Area.
- Northwest Minority Job Fair: Open to rising 2L and 3L students. Fosters access to employment opportunities for historically underrepresented persons in the practice of law and to provide a networking forum.
National Job Fairs
- Black Law Students Association Southern Regional Job Fair: Open to rising 2L and 3L students. The Southern Region of the Black Law Students Association ("SRBLSA") is a regional affiliate of the National Black Law Students Association (“NBLSA”), a student-run, national organization formed to articulate and promote the needs and goals of Black law students.
- Hispanic National Bar Association Career Fair: Open to rising 2L and 3L students and LL.M. students. The nation’s largest career fair for Hispanic law students and legal professionals, one of the HNBA’s many institutional objectives is to assist members during the National Convention in obtaining gainful employment and/or furthering their career goals.
- The National Black Prosecutors Association Job Fair: Open to rising 2Ls, 3Ls, and graduates. The goal of this fair is to promote diversity in prosecutors’ offices by providing a forum where law students, recent law graduates, and experienced attorneys from across the nation can meet and interview with prospective prosecutorial employers at the local, state, and federal levels.
For More Information
If interested in attending or learning more about any of the above fairs, please contact ocpd@law.miami.edu.