Startup Clinic

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The Startup Clinic connects University of Miami School of Law students with new ventures in need of legal assistance. Students in the Startup Clinic help clients with organizing, financing, talent, intellectual property, risk, regulation and other legal issues that arise for entrepreneurs as they launch their new businesses and organizations. Students also help with client development and related activities.

Prospective Clients

To request legal representation from the Miami Law Startup Clinic, please fill out the Potential Startup Clinic Client In-Take Form:

Potential Client In-Take Form


Specific legal matters students in the Startup Clinic assist clients with include:

  • Selecting and forming a business entity, such as LLC or C-corp
  • Evaluating, negotiating and documenting financing transactions (equity and debt)
  • Drafting independent contractor, employee, joint venture and other agreements
  • Protecting intellectual property, including applying for patents and trademarks
  • Drafting Terms of Service and Privacy Policies for websites and apps

Enrollment is extremely limited and is open to 2Ls and 3Ls. Students are required to complete the Startup Law and Entrepreneurship prerequisite.

Support the Startup Clinic

Make a Gift

Contact Us

Startup Clinic
University of Miami School of Law
1311 Miller Drive
Coral Gables, FL 33146
Email: Jaime Vining at

